
FortisBC Proposes to Provide 100 Percent Renewable Gas to all New Homes

Under a new proposal put forward by FortisBC Energy Inc. (FortisBC) to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC), every newly constructed home connecting to the gas system would automatically receive 100 percent renewable gas for the lifespan of the building. Learn More Here

Archaea Energy Announces New 20-year RNG Agreement with FortisBC

Under the agreement, which is subject to regulatory approval by the British Columbia Utilities Commission, FortisBC expects to purchase up to eight million gigajoules (approximately 7.6 million MMBtu) of RNG generated by Archaea annually from its portfolio of RNG production facilities for a fixed fee for a period of 20 years. Learn More Here

Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Shares a White Paper on Clean Energy Pathways and Strategies to Meet BC’s Decarbonization Targets

A team of engineers at the University of British Columbia has found that British Columbia’s current plan to meet its Paris emissions reduction targets for 2030, as set out in CleanBC: Roadmap to 2030, will not be successful unless drastic changes are made to the way the province produces and uses clean and renewable energy. …

Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Shares a White Paper on Clean Energy Pathways and Strategies to Meet BC’s Decarbonization Targets Read More »

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